Monday, July 26, 2010

assigment 9

Something that I have to advice all the people taht will come here that there are only five weeks and you have not enough time. A good advice will be that you dont have to be shy to introduce your self because here you will meet and almost all of them are good people. Also you have to know that the classes are not as hard as it semms so do not worry about it because there are very relax. Another thing I will say is that you will have a lot of free time so try it to expend it by visiting Toronto that it is very exciting.

I have learned a lot of things in the program, like expresions and I have also learned some wrds in french so it is perfect. What i really like about my class is that is very relax and almost all the people partipate activitely.

My favourite activity in class was the story time cause we have learned a lot of things about another cultures. Well the worst activity in class was waldo because i dont find it funny, about the others it was more than great.

I dont really know but i will mark my sekf with a medium-high mark because i have been participating in the class all the days in the other hand i heve been talking a lo t with ethel

thank u very much for all.

un abrazo,


Thursday, July 22, 2010

1. What are two things you plan to do next year?
2. What are two things you aren't going to do next year?
3. What is something you hope to buy in the next year?
4. What is a place you want to visit someday?
5. What is a city you would like to live in someday?
6. What famous person would you like to meet?

1- study a lot and when i finish the school go to all the parties as i can
3-a car
6-Nelson Mandela

assigment 7

I am not sure about my future career, but it will be something relationated with engineering, and it will be maybe communications or informatic cause i really like the new technologics, the problem is that I need to study hard and a lot of time to finish it. The advantage is that i do not need a high mark to enter in the university. I am preparing this career studing a lot of maths , fisics and technology to make it me easy after in the university. I have chosen this carrer because i really like the new thecnologics

Monday, July 19, 2010

assigment 6

I havent got a best friend, but one of my best friend is gonzalo, he is spanish and he is the same age as me. We live in the same but we dont usually meet during the year, but we pass all the summer together. I met him when i was a baby and we grew up together, and i think that we are best friends because we have the almost the same feelings

My second week has been very funny because i started to know all the people of here, also it was funny because we have gone to a dance and it was so funny, and the activities that the monitors made were funny.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

assigment 4

During the last five years my family has suffered from significant changes, firstly I want to ponit out a amazing fact that supposes the death of my dog, this death has divided my family because we loved that dog.

I have had a lot of experiences in the theatre because our school take us a lot of times to there, but I have also gone with my family but to musical, like the lion king, the musical of queen... I really like much more the musicals because you have more fun in that type of plays We havent seen a lot of the paly of elizabeth so i dont what is the actitude of elizabeth, but i think that learn another langauge correctly is as important as eat.

I think that learn another langauge is the most important nowadays, because if you want to get a great job you will need it, for example my cousin has just applied for a job and he doesnt get it because he only know spanish. So learning english is very important for me and that im here